Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sew A Top Hat


Top hats are still worn for a variety of costumes and occasions.

Seen on presidents and in movies, the top hat, also known as a cylinder hat, is one of the most recognizable accessories of the 18th to 20th centuries. Featuring a wide brim, stiff column sides and a flat top, the top hat is now most commonly worn as a costume head piece or with formal wear. A DIY version of the hat can be made at home using stiff felt and a sewing machine.



1. Fold the fabric in half on a flat surface. Tie the string onto the chalk so the string reaches 7.5 inches. This measurement is the radius of the desired 15 inch brim.

2. Holding the end of the 7.5 inch string at a central starting point, stretch the chalk away from the point so the string is taut. Apply pressure to the chalk and draw a circle around the central starting point. The string/chalk method provides a perfect circle.

3. Cut around the chalk circle through both layers of felt to create two brim layers. Pin the two brim layers together.

4. Using the string/chalk method, create a 6-inch circle in the middle of the stacked brim layers. This circle will have a 3-inch radius and string length.

5. Sew along the pinned edges of the brim layers. Remove pins and trim thread ends.

6. Peel the layers away from one another at the center hole and turn the brim right side out so the seam is now on the inside. Iron the brim flat on a low setting.

7. Measure and pin the brim one-half inch from the outside edges. Sew along the pins. Remove the pins from the completed brim.

Sides & Top

8. Measure and cut a 24-by-7-inch rectangle from the leftover felt.

9. Using the string/chalk method, create an additional 6-inch circle on the remaining fabric. Cut along the chalk outline to create the top of the hat.

10. Pin the bottom edge of the 24-by-7 inch rectangle to the outer edge of the 6- inch circle so the rectangle creates the column of the hat. Edges of the rectangle may overlap at this point.

11. Sew along the pinned edges. Remove pins. Turn the hat right-side out.


12. Stuff the column of the hat up through the brim hole. Pin along the inner brim circle so the brim and column are overlapping.

13. Sew along the pinned inner circle of the brim. Remove the pins. Turn the hat wrong-side out.

14. Match the overlapping rectangle edges taut to one another and pin along the length. Sew along the pinned edge to close the column and complete the hat. Remove pins and turn right-side out.

Tags: Remove pins, along pinned, brim layers, chalk method, string chalk

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