Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Iron A Dress Shirt With Permanent Collar Stays


Collar stays prop up a collar neatly and keep you looking sharp. They keep the collar points pointed. Usually, collar stays can be removed and inserted back in after a wash and iron. But unfortunately, some collar stays cannot be removed, which causes a problem. If ironed, collar stays can melt or ruin a shirt. For that reason, you must work around the collar stays.


1. Place your shirt on the ironing board, and iron it as usual. Make sure to press the cuffs, but avoid pressing the collar for now.

2. Straighten out the collar on the ironing board, and press the collar down. Try to avoid any contact with the iron and the collar stays.

3. Steam over the area with the collar stays until it is warm (not hot) and slightly damp.

4. Bring the clapper over, and press it down over the corner of the collar. Press it on both corners until they are stiff and sharp. If you do not have a clapper, you can also try pressing it with your fingers.

Tags: collar stays, collar stays, ironing board

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