Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Making A Cummerbund


A cummerbund is worn around the waist to accessorize a suit, generally for weddings. They are typically satin and a solid color; however, sometimes it can add more class to the suit if a design or patterns are on the cummerbund.


make a cummerbund

1. Take a measurement. Measure from one side across the front of the waist to the other. Cut a rectangle shape in the material, according to measurement. The width should be 5 inches.

2. Fold over the top and bottom of the material by 1 inch and press with steamer. Stitch a quarter-inch from each end, along with the top and bottom. Cut a length of material according to a measurement taken around the rib cage. The width of the material is one-third of an inch. Feed the material through the stitching in order to tie it to the cummerbund.

3. Make the pleats. Cut four pieces of material the same length of the rectangle and 1 1/8 inches wide. Cut one piece of material the same length but with a smaller width. The smaller pleat will go on top, while the others will need to be placed on the material in layers.

4. Pin on the pleats at each end of the cummerbund. Then press the fabric. Remove pins and sew on the pleats.

5. Tie the cummerbund. Make sure it fits and looks the way you want it.

Tags: according measurement, cummerbund Make, material according, material according measurement, material same, material same length, same length

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